Liz has been singing and playing music her entire life, starting with the piano at age four and violin at seven. She played violin for years in the Louisville Youth Orchestra, including a stint as concertmisstress. In piano she won various state competitions. She began guitar in high school, picked up the ukulele in Fiji in 2006, and hasn’t put it down since. Liz learned the accordion in 2007 to play all over the city of Edinburgh during the festival, and was introduced to the baglama in Greece. She learned to play electric bass to join a band and performs with various plays, bands, and concerts from the Pyramid Club in NYC to Stratford Circus in London. Playing in hootenanies in New York incited her love for the banjo and afforded her introductions to the mandolin, dobro and upright bass. She began writing electronic music in 2017, primarily in the service of her theatre company, Anonymous Ensemble. She is currently working on an album of lullabies from around the world.
Here are a few songs:
“What He Must Be” by William Antoniou. From The Return, Athens
“Take Me Away” by William Antoniou. With Ησαΐας Ματιάμπα. From A Return to Wonderland Concert, Nakkas Hall, Athens
“Paper Airplane” by Masi Asari. With Jim Iseman III. Sung onstage in aerial silks. From The Best, NYC
“I Am A Flower” by Liz Davito. The joke song you can’t help but like. From The Best, NYC
“It’s Okay to Cry” by Lynn Portas and Dan Clancy. From Oops, the Tooth Fairy!, NYC